I still can’t remember
the name of the man who entrapped, beat, burnt and trafficked me to the other side of hell.
He said his name was Lloyd Tough Chandler but after 40 years I finally plucked up the courage to google that name.
According to google, Lloyd Tough Chandler was an itinerant preacher in the southern united states who brought solace and musical comfort to isolated communities during the depression.
I have read some statements by his family that he was a great composer of gospel songs, but all they had left was a wooden trunk of his possessions .
He sang a song, “O,Death” which came to him in a vision.
There was an address in Toronto for Lloyd T. Chandler, but even the memories triggered by the sight of that name caused me to pull away in terror like a frightened mare.
I never heard him once sing a note or say a prayer and he most certainly didn’t look like the gaunt and haunted figure of the preacher. He looked more like a cross between Charles Bukowski, Ridley Scott and Mussolini (and that’s being kind)
Peter Pan and Wendy must have sent him.
He caught me in a hypnotist’s wave.
yes I was taken to that island