Saturday, June 21, 2014

Global refugee figure passes 50 million.
Today is not a good day to get drunk, or feel good about oneself.
Today this figure spells out something tragic going in in the world.
Today is not a good time to admit to being a literate human who has not done anything, signed an online petition or done a twitter storm or personally donated to some collection coins  for the helpless to help the helpless in the new world.
Today is not a good. day.
It is not a good day for statisticians.  Where are fifty million people going to live?  Where are the ........  million children without parents and guardians going to find safe haven?  How can we live with ourselves when a caravan is a palace and a palace is a caravan?  There are deeper questions going on here but excuse me, today is not a good day to get drunk but if that's what it takes to post my dog breakfast's brain online, drunk it is and there but for the grace of God do go I, for millions of my sisters in this world would get the big one for merely sniffing at the word drunk.
World, Word, there is just a little letter 'l' between you two.  The precious world, the sacred word, the world, the word, when can I be sober, or legally stoned, and go online to say,
"Yay! There are no more Refugees, everyone can do as they please, God is Great, we fall to our knees, we all belong on this ease."
"Yep, Soldier, at ease.  The only thing we're gonna be coin' from here on in is making sure the dogs know how to behave around those sheep; and , yeah, soldier, those sheep, they're sacred, see.\? Lemme spell it out fed ya' 's.a.c.r.e.d..... got it?' ....   Yep, it pays to have a dream....,"
"Yep, it pays to have a dream, Soldier, one, two, one, two......."

X'cuse me I need a cig.

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